
412 lines
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2021-09-26 09:18:47 +00:00
; generated by Component: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 4 (build 422) Tool: ArmCC [4d3604]
; commandline ArmCC [--c99 --list --split_sections --debug -c --asm --interleave -o.\obj\timer.o --asm_dir=.\lst\ --list_dir=.\lst\ --depend=.\obj\timer.d --cpu=Cortex-M0 --apcs=interwork -O3 --diag_suppress=9931 -I..\..\..\Library\CMSIS\Include -I..\..\..\Library\Device\Nuvoton\Mini58Series\Include -I..\..\..\Library\StdDriver\inc -I..\..\Template -I..\..\..\Library\StdDriver\driver -I.\RTE\_Template -ID:\Keil_v5\ARM\PACK\Nuvoton\NuMicro_DFP\1.0.9\Device\Mini58\Include -ID:\Keil_v5\ARM\CMSIS\Include -D__MICROLIB -D__UVISION_VERSION=523 --omf_browse=.\obj\timer.crf ..\..\..\Library\StdDriver\src\timer.c]
;;;70 */
;;;71 void TIMER_Close(TIMER_T *timer)
000000 2100 MOVS r1,#0
;;;72 {
;;;73 timer->CTL = 0;
000002 6001 STR r1,[r0,#0]
;;;74 timer->EXTCTL = 0;
000004 6141 STR r1,[r0,#0x14]
;;;76 }
000006 4770 BX lr
;;;85 */
;;;86 void TIMER_Delay(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32Usec)
000000 b5f3 PUSH {r0,r1,r4-r7,lr}
;;;87 {
000002 b081 SUB sp,sp,#4
000004 4606 MOV r6,r0
;;;88 uint32_t u32Clk = TIMER_GetModuleClock(timer);
000006 f7fffffe BL TIMER_GetModuleClock
00000a 4604 MOV r4,r0
;;;89 uint32_t u32Prescale = 0, delay = SystemCoreClock / u32Clk;
00000c 4601 MOV r1,r0
00000e 4823 LDR r0,|L2.156|
000010 2700 MOVS r7,#0
000012 6800 LDR r0,[r0,#0] ; SystemCoreClock
000014 f7fffffe BL __aeabi_uidivmod
000018 4605 MOV r5,r0
;;;90 float fCmpr;
;;;92 // Clear current timer configuration
;;;93 timer->CTL = 0;
00001a 2000 MOVS r0,#0
00001c 6030 STR r0,[r6,#0]
;;;94 timer->EXTCTL = 0;
00001e 6170 STR r0,[r6,#0x14]
;;;96 if(u32Clk == 10000) { // min delay is 100us if timer clock source is LIRC 10k
000020 481f LDR r0,|L2.160|
000022 4284 CMP r4,r0
000024 d108 BNE |L2.56|
;;;97 u32Usec = ((u32Usec + 99) / 100) * 100;
000026 9802 LDR r0,[sp,#8]
000028 2164 MOVS r1,#0x64
00002a 3063 ADDS r0,r0,#0x63
00002c f7fffffe BL __aeabi_uidivmod
000030 2164 MOVS r1,#0x64
000032 4348 MULS r0,r1,r0
000034 9002 STR r0,[sp,#8]
000036 e014 B |L2.98|
;;;98 } else { // 10 usec every step
;;;99 u32Usec = ((u32Usec + 9) / 10) * 10;
000038 9802 LDR r0,[sp,#8]
00003a 210a MOVS r1,#0xa
00003c 3009 ADDS r0,r0,#9
00003e f7fffffe BL __aeabi_uidivmod
000042 210a MOVS r1,#0xa
000044 4348 MULS r0,r1,r0
;;;100 }
;;;102 if(u32Clk >= 0x2000000) {
000046 9002 STR r0,[sp,#8]
000048 2001 MOVS r0,#1
00004a 0640 LSLS r0,r0,#25
00004c 4284 CMP r4,r0
00004e d302 BCC |L2.86|
;;;103 u32Prescale = 3; // real prescaler value is 4
000050 2703 MOVS r7,#3
;;;104 u32Clk >>= 2;
000052 08a4 LSRS r4,r4,#2
000054 e005 B |L2.98|
;;;105 } else if(u32Clk >= 0x1000000) {
000056 2001 MOVS r0,#1
000058 0600 LSLS r0,r0,#24
00005a 4284 CMP r4,r0
00005c d301 BCC |L2.98|
;;;106 u32Prescale = 1; // real prescaler value is 2
00005e 2701 MOVS r7,#1
;;;107 u32Clk >>= 1;
000060 0864 LSRS r4,r4,#1
;;;108 }
;;;110 // u32Usec * u32Clk might overflow if using uint32_t
;;;111 fCmpr = ((float)u32Usec * (float)u32Clk) / 1000000.0;
000062 4620 MOV r0,r4
000064 f7fffffe BL __aeabi_ui2f
000068 4604 MOV r4,r0
00006a 9802 LDR r0,[sp,#8]
00006c f7fffffe BL __aeabi_ui2f
000070 4621 MOV r1,r4
000072 f7fffffe BL __aeabi_fmul
000076 490b LDR r1,|L2.164|
000078 f7fffffe BL __aeabi_fdiv
;;;113 timer->CMP = (uint32_t)fCmpr;
00007c f7fffffe BL __aeabi_f2uiz
000080 6070 STR r0,[r6,#4]
;;;114 timer->CTL = TIMER_CTL_CNTEN_Msk | u32Prescale; // one shot mode
000082 2001 MOVS r0,#1
000084 0780 LSLS r0,r0,#30
000086 4307 ORRS r7,r7,r0
000088 6037 STR r7,[r6,#0]
;;;116 // When system clock is faster than timer clock, it is possible timer active bit cannot set in time while we check it.
;;;117 // And the while loop below return immediately, so put a tiny delay here allowing timer start counting and raise active flag.
;;;118 for(; delay > 0; delay--) {
00008a 2d00 CMP r5,#0
00008c d002 BEQ |L2.148|
;;;119 __NOP();
00008e bf00 NOP
000090 1e6d SUBS r5,r5,#1
000092 d1fc BNE |L2.142|
;;;120 }
;;;122 while(timer->CTL & TIMER_CTL_ACTSTS_Msk);
000094 6830 LDR r0,[r6,#0]
000096 0180 LSLS r0,r0,#6
000098 d4fc BMI |L2.148|
;;;124 }
00009a bdfe POP {r1-r7,pc}
DCD SystemCoreClock
DCD 0x00002710
DCD 0x49742400
AREA ||i.TIMER_DisableCapture||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=1
TIMER_DisableCapture PROC
;;;154 */
;;;155 void TIMER_DisableCapture(TIMER_T *timer)
000000 6941 LDR r1,[r0,#0x14]
;;;156 {
;;;157 timer->EXTCTL &= ~TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEN_Msk;
000002 2208 MOVS r2,#8
000004 4391 BICS r1,r1,r2
000006 6141 STR r1,[r0,#0x14]
;;;159 }
000008 4770 BX lr
AREA ||i.TIMER_DisableEventCounter||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=1
TIMER_DisableEventCounter PROC
;;;180 */
;;;181 void TIMER_DisableEventCounter(TIMER_T *timer)
000000 6801 LDR r1,[r0,#0]
;;;182 {
;;;183 timer->CTL &= ~TIMER_CTL_EXTCNTEN_Msk;
000002 2201 MOVS r2,#1
000004 0612 LSLS r2,r2,#24
000006 4391 BICS r1,r1,r2
000008 6001 STR r1,[r0,#0]
;;;184 }
00000a 4770 BX lr
TIMER_EnableCapture PROC
;;;140 */
;;;141 void TIMER_EnableCapture(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32CapMode, uint32_t u32Edge)
000000 b510 PUSH {r4,lr}
;;;142 {
;;;144 timer->EXTCTL = (timer->EXTCTL & ~(TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPSEL_Msk |
000002 6943 LDR r3,[r0,#0x14]
000004 24ff MOVS r4,#0xff
000006 3417 ADDS r4,r4,#0x17
000008 43a3 BICS r3,r3,r4
00000a 430b ORRS r3,r3,r1
00000c 4313 ORRS r3,r3,r2
00000e 2108 MOVS r1,#8
000010 430b ORRS r3,r3,r1
000012 6143 STR r3,[r0,#0x14]
;;;147 u32CapMode | u32Edge | TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEN_Msk;
;;;148 }
000014 bd10 POP {r4,pc}
AREA ||i.TIMER_EnableEventCounter||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=1
TIMER_EnableEventCounter PROC
;;;169 */
;;;170 void TIMER_EnableEventCounter(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32Edge)
000000 6942 LDR r2,[r0,#0x14]
;;;171 {
;;;172 timer->EXTCTL = (timer->EXTCTL & ~TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTPHASE_Msk) | u32Edge;
000002 0852 LSRS r2,r2,#1
000004 0052 LSLS r2,r2,#1
000006 430a ORRS r2,r2,r1
000008 6142 STR r2,[r0,#0x14]
;;;173 timer->CTL |= TIMER_CTL_EXTCNTEN_Msk;
00000a 6801 LDR r1,[r0,#0]
00000c 2201 MOVS r2,#1
00000e 0612 LSLS r2,r2,#24
000010 4311 ORRS r1,r1,r2
000012 6001 STR r1,[r0,#0]
;;;174 }
000014 4770 BX lr
TIMER_GetModuleClock PROC
;;;191 */
;;;192 uint32_t TIMER_GetModuleClock(TIMER_T *timer)
000000 4a0f LDR r2,|L7.64|
;;;193 {
;;;194 uint32_t u32Src;
;;;195 if(timer == TIMER0)
;;;196 u32Src = (CLK->CLKSEL1 & CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR0SEL_Msk) >> CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR0SEL_Pos;
000002 4910 LDR r1,|L7.68|
000004 4290 CMP r0,r2 ;195
;;;197 else
;;;198 u32Src = (CLK->CLKSEL1 & CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR1SEL_Msk) >> CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR1SEL_Pos;
000006 6948 LDR r0,[r1,#0x14]
000008 d101 BNE |L7.14|
;;;200 if(u32Src == 0)
;;;201 return((CLK->PWRCTL & CLK_PWRCTL_XTLEN_Msk) == 1 ? __XTAL12M : __XTAL32K);
;;;202 else if(u32Src == 1)
;;;203 return __IRC10K;
;;;204 else if(u32Src == 2)
;;;205 return SystemCoreClock;
;;;206 else
;;;207 return __HSI;
;;;209 }
00000a 0a00 LSRS r0,r0,#8
00000c e000 B |L7.16|
00000e 0b00 LSRS r0,r0,#12
000010 0740 LSLS r0,r0,#29
000012 0f40 LSRS r0,r0,#29
000014 d006 BEQ |L7.36|
000016 2801 CMP r0,#1 ;202
000018 d00e BEQ |L7.56|
00001a 2802 CMP r0,#2 ;204
00001c d00e BEQ |L7.60|
00001e 480a LDR r0,|L7.72|
000020 6800 LDR r0,[r0,#0] ;207 ; __HSI
000022 4770 BX lr
000024 6808 LDR r0,[r1,#0] ;201
000026 0780 LSLS r0,r0,#30 ;201
000028 0f80 LSRS r0,r0,#30 ;201
00002a 2801 CMP r0,#1 ;201
00002c d002 BEQ |L7.52|
00002e 2001 MOVS r0,#1 ;201
000030 03c0 LSLS r0,r0,#15 ;201
000032 4770 BX lr
000034 4805 LDR r0,|L7.76|
000036 4770 BX lr
000038 4805 LDR r0,|L7.80|
00003a 4770 BX lr
00003c 4805 LDR r0,|L7.84|
00003e e7ef B |L7.32|
DCD 0x40010000
DCD 0x50000200
DCD 0x00b71b00
DCD 0x00002710
DCD SystemCoreClock
;;;40 */
;;;41 uint32_t TIMER_Open(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32Mode, uint32_t u32Freq)
000000 b5f8 PUSH {r3-r7,lr}
;;;42 {
000002 4613 MOV r3,r2
000004 460f MOV r7,r1
000006 4606 MOV r6,r0
;;;43 uint32_t u32Clk = TIMER_GetModuleClock(timer);
000008 f7fffffe BL TIMER_GetModuleClock
00000c 4604 MOV r4,r0
;;;44 uint32_t u32Cmpr = 0, u32Prescale = 0;
00000e 2500 MOVS r5,#0
;;;46 // Fastest possible timer working freq is u32Clk / 2. While cmpr = 2, pre-scale = 0
;;;47 if(u32Freq > (u32Clk / 2)) {
000010 0840 LSRS r0,r0,#1
000012 4298 CMP r0,r3
000014 d201 BCS |L8.26|
;;;48 u32Cmpr = 2;
000016 2002 MOVS r0,#2
000018 e010 B |L8.60|
;;;49 } else {
;;;50 if(u32Clk >= 0x2000000) {
00001a 2101 MOVS r1,#1
00001c 0649 LSLS r1,r1,#25
00001e 428c CMP r4,r1
000020 d302 BCC |L8.40|
;;;51 u32Prescale = 3; // real prescaler value is 4
000022 2503 MOVS r5,#3
;;;52 u32Clk >>= 2;
000024 08a4 LSRS r4,r4,#2
000026 e005 B |L8.52|
;;;53 } else if(u32Clk >= 0x1000000) {
000028 2101 MOVS r1,#1
00002a 0609 LSLS r1,r1,#24
00002c 428c CMP r4,r1
00002e d301 BCC |L8.52|
;;;54 u32Prescale = 1; // real prescaler value is 2
000030 2501 MOVS r5,#1
;;;55 u32Clk >>= 1;
000032 4604 MOV r4,r0
;;;56 }
;;;57 u32Cmpr = u32Clk / u32Freq;
000034 4619 MOV r1,r3
000036 4620 MOV r0,r4
000038 f7fffffe BL __aeabi_uidivmod
;;;58 }
;;;60 timer->CTL = u32Mode | u32Prescale;
00003c 432f ORRS r7,r7,r5
00003e 6037 STR r7,[r6,#0]
;;;61 timer->CMP = u32Cmpr;
000040 6070 STR r0,[r6,#4]
000042 1c6d ADDS r5,r5,#1
;;;63 return(u32Clk / (u32Cmpr * (u32Prescale + 1)));
000044 4368 MULS r0,r5,r0
000046 4601 MOV r1,r0
000048 4620 MOV r0,r4
00004a f7fffffe BL __aeabi_uidivmod
;;;64 }
00004e bdf8 POP {r3-r7,pc}
;*** Start embedded assembler ***
#line 1 "..\\..\\..\\Library\\StdDriver\\src\\timer.c"
AREA ||.rev16_text||, CODE
EXPORT |__asm___7_timer_c_5bec749a____REV16|
#line 388 "..\\..\\..\\Library\\CMSIS\\Include\\cmsis_armcc.h"
|__asm___7_timer_c_5bec749a____REV16| PROC
#line 389
rev16 r0, r0
bx lr
AREA ||.revsh_text||, CODE
EXPORT |__asm___7_timer_c_5bec749a____REVSH|
#line 402
|__asm___7_timer_c_5bec749a____REVSH| PROC
#line 403
revsh r0, r0
bx lr
;*** End embedded assembler ***